Board of Directors

President                                Denyce Schoemehl

Vice President                 Bonnie Kitowski

Recording Secretary             Liz Parker

Corresponding Secretary & Tributes     Shari Mock

Treasurer                                Nora Zimmer

Standing Committees

Nonprofit Award Committee Chairs          Beth McCune and Jane Fellous

Finance                                   Nora Zimmer/Valerie Gerst/Denyce Schoemehl

Hospitality                   Judith Brauer

In-Group Special Events      Ginny Kramer and Dea Hoover                                     

Membership                           Mary Whitley

Nominating     Denyce Schoemehl & 3 Additional Members 

Historian To be determined

Programs                                Erle Broughton

Service Projects                     To be determined

WebMaster Sandy Bellon