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From Dot LeGrand, Rock Steady Boxing:
I want to sincerely thank your women’s service organization for all you’ve done for Rock Steady Boxing the past few months. The latest project (including wrapping, manning the registration table, helping to set up and close up) was our holiday party! I can’t tell you all how much I was able to just greet everyone and enjoy the evening!
From Team Arya Foundation:
This year your support made a lasting impact on lives of the vulnerable children. You created hope for children battling every day challenges. Your support transformed lives despite the challenges during these trying times. Thank you for your continuous support throughout the year. We hope that you stay connected.
From Bess Wilfong, Founder/Executive Director of Angels’ Arms:
Please know that we deeply appreciate the work you do and the fact that you believe in the work that Angels' Arms is doing. It takes a very big village, and now you all are part of it.
Thank you a million times over!
From Kristen Carroll, Senior Development and Marketing Manager, Girls in the Know:
It was wonderful to share more with you about Girls in the Know, as well as feel the power of all those women in one group making positive change and impact in St. Louis. Thanks for all you do for local nonprofits and for giving us the opportunity to partner!
From Rolanda Finch—It’s Your Birthday, Inc.:
We extend a big thank you to VSC members for your kindness in donating 50 toys in celebration of our 6th Birthday. The toys will be included in the Birthday-in-a-Box that we provide to children in homeless and domestic violence shelters and will surely put a smile on their many faces.
From Albert St. Clair, Sr.—St. Clair Hearts Foundation:
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart! Your generosity will be used to provide a ‘hand-up’ to local Veterans in our community, as well as to aid and serve local first responders, firefighters, EMT’s and the thin blue line. May God bless and keep you all.
From Carol Watanabe, Executive Director of Little Patriots Embraced:
I was honored to be invited to speak and receive the generous donation for LPE at the Volunteer Service Council annual Hat Luncheon. It was a lovely luncheon at Ladue Racquet Club. The VSC members looked fabulous in their beautiful hats! Thank you so much for your support of Little Patriots Embraced!